

During two weeks, we went in the beautiful country of India, land of colours and Bollywood movies, where we visits two importants indian megacity, Bangalore and Mumbai. This place are so opposed in every point, and we think everyone should know what’s happening over there.


Behind its grand airs of model city, Mumbai has a hidden side: it’s slums and it’s precarity.

It really choked us, when we went in those quartiers full of people, because nobody care for each other, there’s thieves, hustlers, tourists by thousands, pollution, traffic, like in every cities, but here, it has a bigger impact. We thought we could ignore it for a while, just take good time and appreciate our hollydays as we should. It worked for a time, because Mumbai stays a wonderful place, it’s buildings, it’s comfort (hotels and restaurants are great, we love indian food), the fact that everything is less expensive then in London, the city center which is very clean, and the monuments, like the Gateway of India which is majestic.

We left Mumbai in a crowded train to go in Bangalore, and we couldn’t escape to the monstruous landscape of the city’s slums. An horrible sight, where we were just the spectators. Children walking with no shoes, women washing there laundry in a dirty river, fights, people running after the train, old and sick persons… All of it give us a strong urge to vomit and cry…


The second week, we were in Bangalore, the principal tech-hub of India, a city always in progressive developpement. It was so much more pleasant then in Mumbai. The air were less polluted, no slums, perfectly clean, less traffic, less people, and, well, the technologic progress were extraordinary ! A lot of websites describes Bangalore as the indian “Sillicon Valley”, because this place is very rich compares to the other cities of the country.

We went in a sweet place, “Lal Bagh”, a botanical garden, very famous for it’s calm and it’s quiet, and we could finally get some rest from the Mumbai’s trip.


We were able to notice the striking differencies between Mumbai and Bangalore, and we think you have too. Bangalore’s life is far too simple and easier then the life in Mumbai. One is rich and modern, the other is poor and dirty. We found that so sad and unfortunate, because Mumbai is a beautiful and famous city, but it’s just drowning under the huge weight of over-population.

We hope you enjoy our blog, thanks for reading, and see you in an other travel !

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